Posts in Economics
The Trade Game

The Trade Game is an easy to learn, fun to play, engaging classroom activity that fits easily into any social studies curriculum and is readily adjusted to classes of all sizes and ages.

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Time Well Spent

This curriculum explores an alternate way of thinking about the “cost” of any object: the effort that is “hidden” underneath a dollar bill. Learners explore historical trends in productivity, how wealth is created in modern economies, and how to technology increases in quality and decreases in price over time.

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Causation is MUCH Harder to Show Than Correlation: The 2021 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences (in Memory of Alfred Nobel)

When setting up experiments, economists have to ask specific questions and avoid selection and observational biases. This challenge is often present when attempting to measure the effectiveness of something like a government program or policy change. How can economists confidently claim that certain effects are linked to a specific cause? This year’s Nobel Laureates’ work with natural experiments provide examples of best-practice research methods that work to answer important questions.

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Cafe Fridays at Ozark Schools

Cafe Friday is a school based enterprise that students with learning disabilities in grades 9 through 12 operate every Friday to cook, serve, and deliver $5 economically friendly meals to teachers throughout the entire Ozark Public Schools campuses

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The Sultana Disaster Museum in Marion, Arkansas

By using primary source materials, learners can study the context around the disaster and deepen their understanding of American History and Geography, learning how trade and transport worked during and after the war, who was impacted, and how the decisions of a few individuals impacted entire groups of people.

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